9 Ways to improve your self-discipline

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When successful people talk about the secrets of their progress in life they highlight the importance of self-discipline. Whether it is a success they achieved in their professional lives or in their personal lives, maybe both, their inherent ability for self-control through discipline was one of the key levers of their success.

They have been able to keep their thoughts, emotions and behaviours in check, which paired with an optimistic view and positive affirmations can be very powerful tools to achieve continuous development. Staying focused may be difficult sometimes, there will be better days, and on other days you may find it trying to go on. A good way to stay motivated is by using a personal reward system to make you want to stay disciplined. Some people find it helpful to have a friend that motivates them and keeps them on track. Meditation can help to clear your head at the beginning of your day. You also want to set yourself up with a schedule that will help you stay organized. Sometimes it is difficult to maintain your self-discipline. Here are some ideas to help you improve it.

Improving your self-discipline is vital to achieving any goal. Without it, it is difficult to avoid temptation. The essentials of discipline are routine and dedication. The following tips are to help you improve your self-discipline.

Maintaining a routine.

Most of what we do day by day is habit driven, it is not difficult to create a routine so you can stay focussed and have the discipline to accomplish your goal. You can put yourself on a daily routine by getting a planner and creating a daily schedule for yourself. When you know day to day what you need to do to accomplish your goal, it makes it easier to achieve it and it becomes more obtainable. You will want to keep your appointments in this planner so you know exactly where you need to be at any given point during the day, this makes it all so easy to see at a glance what will be coming up next, so you can prepare yourself mentally for the challenges you will be facing. It works for me when I allow at least 15 minutes break between meetings whenever I can, because even this short time provides me with the opportunity to gather my thoughts, collect questions, think about what I want out of that specific meeting and make a quick plan. Find 3 Methods that successful women follow to keep their career on track.

Being dedicated to achieving your goals.

Make sure you are dedicated to the goal you are trying to achieve or you will not succeed. Goals are difficult to accomplish if you aren’t serious about them. Dedication prevents backsliding and helps you to move forward and succeed at your goals. Also, gives you the focus that helps improve your self-discipline.

Setting different levels of goals will also assist you in reaching your end goal. Set not more than four long-term goals and break them down into short term ones. As you meet each short-term goal it will help keep you motivated to move forward and you will find yourself on a path of achieving and passing milestones leading to the achievement of your long-term goal. This way the short-term goals will become stepping stones to achieve the higher goal you set for yourself.

Use Positive affirmations.

Positive affirmations strengthen self-control by helping you focus on the optimistic side of a situation instead of the negative. That helps to prevent immediate impulses and unnecessary stressors. Every day you can start out by telling yourself that you are strong, confident and capable. These steps will boost your confidence and improve your self-discipline. It may sound a bit silly first, but after a couple of days you will experience that you will in fact feel more capable and confident. 

Start everyday visualizing how you want that day to go.

You want to visualise the long-term rewards that come from success. Also, you can visualise your end goal, and how exactly you plan to get to that end goal. Visualisation helps you organize your thoughts and see the big picture. You can use visualisation to come up with a strategy to meet your goals. 5 Ways you can use relaxation and visualisation to help advance your career.

Give yourself a little reward after doing a good job.

Positive reinforcement is a great way to motivate anyone to get things done. Try to motivate yourself with small rewards for achieving your goals. The small rewards along the way will help keep things positive and make you want to keep going instead of giving up when it gets difficult.

Feel gratitude.

Being grateful for what we already have is something we may forget doing in the midst of the busy weekdays. Some of us concentrate on what we haven’t achieved yet, which is unhelpful to say the least when it comes to keep up motivation levels. Spending time thinking about what you don’t have may lead to action once the dissatisfaction reached a certain level and the situation becomes unbearable, otherwise it will be another way to feel sorry for yourself.

Don’t let mistakes cause you to quit.

Everyone makes mistakes. While climbing that mountain of success you are bound to slip up from time to time. What you need to keep in mind is just to keep moving forward don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. If you allow your mistakes to discourage you and make you quit then you will never achieve your goals. Keep in mind that Einstein failed thousands of times while working on his theories and that didn’t stop him from becoming a famous scientist. Thomas Edison destroyed his house while inventing the lightbulb.  As you can see mistakes can actually lead you in the right direction.

Acknowledge your weaknesses.

Most of us like to focus only on our positive attributes. This is a great thing to do most of the time, but in order to become a stronger individual it is also important to acknowledge your weaknesses so you can work to strengthen them. Most people ignore their weaknesses or they minimize the negative impact that these can have on their lives. If you admit your weaknesses, you can do things to help reinforce your areas of weakness so you can improve on them and become a stronger person.


In conclusion self-discipline plays an important role in success. To achieve your goals, you must have a stable sense of self-discipline. Self-discipline requires a lot of structure and planning. Keeping a steady routine is the easiest way to maintain self-discipline. You must not forget; however, to stay dedicated to your goals and follow through with them. Make positive affirmations daily and visualize how you want your day to go.  Have good friends around you to keep you motivated and don’t forget to reward yourself when you are successful! Remember to meditate every day to clear your mind. Above all, learn from your mistakes and accept your weaknesses. With these simple steps, you can improve your self-discipline that help you achieve your goals, reach your dreams and make a happier and less chaotic life even if you have to face multi tasking.

Photo by Etty Fidele on Unsplash