How different personality types can help you be more successful – The introverts II.

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Regardless of your definition of success – financial, spiritual, philanthropic or familial – achieving success is important, not only because it is your responsibility, but your duty as well. A variety of things determine how successful you are; your level of education, your career choice, the organization you work for, your skills, your capacity to negotiate and your understanding of different personality types.

Note: this article is the 4th part of a series. Start here with the first part so you can have a better understanding of the personality typology we write about in this series.

If you haven’t done yet so and would like to take the assessment now, go to Take the MBTI for the official test or alternatively you can find a free, similar approach based Free Personality Test here.

Throughout life, you are forced to deal with various individuals that have different personality types. Because human beings require social interactions to survive, an understanding of different personality types is crucial, not only from an academic stance but also from a life point of view.

The better we understand how other people act and think, the better we understand ourselves. This understanding gives you the power to try possible to succeed. Understanding different personality types is about using the knowledge you gain to your benefit in day− to− day situations, to get people to do things or to influence them, to get others to assist whenever they can and to get your points across. Additionally, it helps to shape the way you make your decisions and, most importantly, understanding personality types helps you understand and manage how your actions can impact other people.

At the same time, understanding the personality types of people you interact with can help you expect their actions and behaviour better, and it will further give you valuable insights into that person’s personality traits. Here are different personality types that can help you be more successful:


People that have the ISTJ introvert personality types are easy to depend on because it devotes them. Typically, people with ISTJ approach things in a logical way and they are extremely well− organized to enable them to operate efficiently. Individuals with ISTJ personality are methodical, and they store the knowledge they gain from past experiences which is then used to face new problems and ideas.

When associating with people with ISTJ personality at the workplace, such individuals are the stereotype for the devoted and always impressive employee. In all positions, whether subordinate or managerial, an ISTJ personality will conform to structure and will be a stickler for the rules because they respect authority and a chain of command.  When you give a person with ISTJ personality a task, in most cases, they see it as an opening to prove to you that, yet again, they are the right person for the job.

On the flip side, ISTJ introvert personality types struggle with change, whether it is assuming new responsibilities or losing old ones. When interacting with an ISTJ, you should be very precise about what you expect from them in a straightforward manner; do not waste time to beat around the bush or spending valuable time in small talk.


ISTPs are classically quiet, observant, and they enjoy tasks that allow the use of their hands. They enjoy examining the world with an unruffled rationalism and energetic inquisitiveness. People with ISTP love to build things and are often involved in different projects that permit them to take things apart only to assemble them again. As such, most engineers and mechanics fall under this category.

Most people with ISTP are cheerful and kind-hearted, preferring to go with the flow rather than get stressed out by a schedule. ISTPs also combine spontaneity with logic, and they can change their mindset to accommodate new situations easily. Because of this, they are great to have in a crisis because they think on their feet.

On the other hand, as easy as it is for them to go with the flow, ISTP people are stubborn, and they can change plans on you quickly and insensitively. Additionally, people with ISTP are difficult to get to know and can be very reserved and private.


Individuals with an ISFJ introvert personality types are practical, compassionate and caring. They are motivated by the need to make others comfortable and to protect them from any looming danger. They enjoy the occasional opportunity to contribute to the well− being of the community, meeting every task with enthusiasm. ISFJ personalities tend to range from neat to perfection and, although they like to procrastinate, they finish the commission assigned to them on time.

ISFJ people are not quick to leave things half finished. Instead, they are meticulous and are flexible to accommodate the needs of a changing situation, just so they can ensure that the goal is accomplished. ISFJs are also inventive, and they use this quality to empathize with others, which makes it easy to see things from other people’s perspectives.

Despite their willingness to help, ISFJ personalities are shy and, since they tend to focus on the well− being of others, they might also ignore their needs and repress their feelings. Their willingness to immerse themselves in their work also means that they have trouble separating personal and impersonal issues. Any arising conflict affects their personal and professional lives in equal measure.


ISFP introvert personality types are true observers of life, and they use what they observe to create and design things. For ISFPs, respect for harmony and morals is important, which is why they are dependable particularly once it estabilishes trust.

ISFP personalities are colorful, and they live in a world characterized by unpredictability, exploration, and experiments. Despite their unique perspective on life, ISFPs are notoriously introverted and very emotional. When it appears as though a situation has gotten out of hand, they are more likely to shut down than step up to the plate.

ISFPs can also escalate small issues and blow them out of proportion, which can cause them to ignore the bigger picture in exchange for a moment of glory. However, beneath the competition, ISFPs are very passionate people and, in friendship, they are some of the most comfortable and carefree people to hang out with.

At work, ISFP people are fiercely independent and they hate to be controlled and micromanaged. In this regard, when working with people with ISFP, you should give them positions that allow them to be expressive, independent and spontaneous. Check these 11 Top Jobs for Introverts.

Follow the links for the other parts of the series and learn about how different personality types can help you be more successful:

1: How different personality types can help you be more successful – The extroverts I.

2: How different personality types can help you be more successful – The extroverts II.

3: How different personality types can help you be more successful – The introverts I.

How different personality types can help you be more successful – The introverts I.

introvert personality type 1 article cover image

To be successful, you must do your utmost to develop an understanding of other people’s personalities. The different personalities that you encounter daily, shapes the way you work or approach tasks, your relationships with your workmates, your career choice, colleagues and friends, as well as your capacity to expose and showcase your skills and capabilities.

Note: this article is the 3rd part of a series. Start here with the first part so you can have a better understanding of the personality typology we write about in this series.

If you haven’t done yet so and would like to take the assessment now, go to Take the MBTI for the official test or alternatively you can find a free, similar approach based Free Personality Test here.

As such, your personality and the personalities of the people you associate with can affect your success. Understanding other people’s personalities helps at achieving success in whichever pursuit is in play, whether it is motivating your employees to reach those sale goals or getting your kids to eat their veggies at dinner time. Here is how understanding different personality types can help you be more successful:


People with INTJ personalities are reserved, which can appear being standoffish or too serious. They are driven by their curiosity and their desire to learn about the principles that make things operational. In short, they like to think critically about everything and every decision that has to be made. People with an INTJ introvert personality type, the world is one large chessboard waiting to be navigated.

As one of the most strategy− driven personalities out there, many individuals that have an INTJ personality struggle to make friends because they might have a self-assured attitude that makes it difficult for them to get along. Among children, INTJ introvert personality type are often referred to as bookworms. Because of their natural need to gain more knowledge, they enjoy sharing what they know and usually do it confidently because of their capacity to master everything they learn.

INTJs are also very autonomous and decisive, which allows them to thrive on their own, making it easy for them to take responsibility for their actions. Regardless of how popular something is, or how authoritative a person is, INTJ personality types are not easily swayed by traditions or other people’s power. To INTJs, an idea is wrong or right based on logic and rationality.

Because of their knowledge, people with an INTJ personality can be arrogant and unwilling to listen to the opinions of others they consider intellectually inferior. Additionally, they have a tendency to apply logic and rationality to all issues even when the issues do not demand rationality, like when dealing with children or relationships. INTJs also hate over− structured environments that require stability over self-progress and determination. Finally, their unwillingness to compromise, their arrogance and their antipathy for rules make maintaining relationships, professional or romantic, very challenging for INTJs.


On the outside, people with an INTP personality may appear calm and collected, however, underneath lies a deep passion for innovation and ideas. INTPs are proud of their capacity to create unique things, and they typically have a unique perspective on all things and a vigorous intellect.

They have a tendency to share thoughts that are not fully developed, using conversations with other people as opportunities to receive feedback on their ideas and theories. This may make them appear unreliable, but they are enthusiastic about spotting a problem, diving deep into the endless series of details that encompass the issue and developing a unique solution. As for timely delivery, you may need to be patient and not to expect periodic reports on progress and results.

INTPs aren’t very much interested in the nitty-gritty of day− to− day activities; they rather enjoy working in an environment where they can express their passionate and creative sides.

At work, INTPs hate to be governed and controlled by rules and are often more concerned with the theoretical viability of their ideas instead of the standards and traditions. They are often absentminded, forgetful and, in most cases, their personality can get caught up in their rationality if they forget how to be human. As such, they can be insensitive to other people’s feelings. INTPs also like to keep their affairs private and are quite withdrawn in social settings.


Most people with an INFJ introvert personality type are focusing to other people’s problems and providing solutions. They are highly perceptive about other people and the situations around them, which explains why they are good at handling complex personal issues and providing support. INFJs might reflect at length on issues of morality. They are approachable and calm, soft-spoken even while sharing strong opinions, decisive and can passionately advocate to support and protect the ideas or theories they believe in.

In their personal matters, people with INFJ personalities are very private and would rather be associated with their ideas. They are also perfectionists and hard to please. Because of their passion, they typically exhaust themselves with a few options of blowing off steam, meaning that, when they reach their breaking point, it’s difficult to get through to them.

In any case, when an INFJ believes in something, they will pursue it with an unbelievable amount of conviction and energy.


For a person with an INFP introvert personality type, there is nothing as paramount as originality and individuality in everything that is executed. INFPs seem carefree and prefer to explore their own values rather than conform to what they find in society. For an INFP, it is better to stay true to yourself than fit in with the crowd.

Most INFPs are cool, however, whenever they are around people they trust, their demeanour changes to become more relaxed. They listen to many, but speak to few. As such, very few people understand the true ideals of an INFP. When deciding, a person with an INFP personality will try to make the right decision based on morality, virtue and the purity of the intent, as opposed to the rewards or punishment that may be waiting.

In terms of friendships and relationships, INFPs only maintain a small circle of friends and, because of this, they approach relationships wholeheartedly with dedication and trust. Sadly, because of their innate altruistic desire, INFPs can be impractical and can go as far as neglecting themselves to pursue a cause. Additionally, they tend to take things too personally and do not respond to criticism well. Therefore, individuals with INFP personalities avoid any conflict at all costs. Want to learn more about the introverts? Click here.

Also check these 11 Top Jobs for Introverts.

Follow the links for the other parts of the series and learn about how different personality types can help you be more successful:

1: How different personality types can help you be more successful – The extroverts I.

2: How different personality types can help you be more successful – The extroverts II.

4: How different personality types can help you be more successful – The introverts II.

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